I have visited the conference ScalaX 2013 in London on the beginning of December.
It was really fun. The talks were quite challenging, maybe even a little bit more than on other conferences I have visited, but that was really fun to listen to. About 400 participants were there and three tracks were available. So it was possible to learn a lot about advanced concepts in functional programming and software architecture with a focus on Scala, but also some Haskell and Clojure.
Some interesting talks were:
- Lenses in Haskell
- Akka in Practise
- Implicit Conversions => Implicit Parameters
- Failure: Deal with it
- What Macros are good for
- Introducing Adept
- Spray: HTTP for your Actors
- The Road to Akka Cluster and beyond
- Reconciling eventually consistent Data
- Scala and Graphs
- Hidden Gems in Scalatest
- Akka for the Rest of us
- Overcoming U-turns and Dead Ends: Lessons of using Scala, Akka & Spray on Heroku
- Patterns for Slick database applications
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