Rounding to Rational Numbers

Usually we think of rounding as a way of approximately expressing numbers with many decimal places by numbers with fewer decimal places. Regular readers of this blog have already encountered, that this concept can be extended and generalized, as is mentioned in the article about Geometric and Harmonic Rounding and Residue Class Rounding or Rounding …

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Accident Languages

Some commonly used languages have been quite well designed or at least would have been considered so at the time when they appeared. Even if they have their weaknesses, they should be good for some purposes. Now beauty of programming languages is highly subjective. So I do not claim any universal truth to this. But …

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UUIDs revisited

UUIDs have proven useful in many circumstances. We have basically two main variants: The UUID is calculated as a combination of the Ethernet-MAC-address, the timestamp and a counter. The UUID is calculated using a good random number generator While variant 1 provides for a good uniqueness, there are some issues with it. Today we use …

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