ScalaUA 2018

About a week ago I visited Scala UA in Kiev. This was the schedule. It was a great conference once again, as it was already in 2017 and I really enjoyed everything, including the food, which was great again… 🙂 I listened to the following talks on the first day: Tales from the trenches, developing …

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Encryption of Disks

Today we should use encryption of disks for many situations. I recommend at least encrypting disks of portable computers that contain the home directory and portable USB disks. They can easily get stolen or lost and it is better if the thief does not have easy access to the content. We should even consider encrypting …

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Water pressure CPU

All kinds of technologies are being investigated to become the successor of our decades old silicon chip technology: quantum computing using light instead of electricity using other semiconductors than silicon … But it is funny that the most obvious approach has not been investigated until recently. Now it has been leaked that companies in east …

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