It has already been explained how the Carry Bit works for addition. Now there was interest in a comment about how it would work for negative numbers. The point is, that the calculation of the carry bit does not have any dependency on the sign. The nature of the carry bit is that it is …
Monatliche Archive: Februar 2018
Source Code of Apple-iOS leaked
It seems that the parts of the source code of Apple’s iOS 9 have leaked via github. They might have been removed from there, while you are reading this, but probably they will be passed around in the internet anyway. Some sources say that this is a risk to security. It might be, but in …
Java Properties Files and UTF-8
Java uses a nice pragmatic file format for simple configuration tasks and for internationalization of applications. It is called Java properties file or simply „.properties file“. It contains simple key value pairs. For most configuration task this is useful and easy to read and edit. Nested configurations can be expressed by simple using dots („.“) …