Some thoughts about Usability

Just from the users perspective, some thoughts and experiences concerning usability… I have to pay my phone bill every month. It is one for phone, internet, and everything, but it needs to be payed. It is mostly used for the company, so it is paid by my company and I need a proper invoice and …

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Für neue Projekte verfügbar

Ich bin ab Anfang September 2020 für neue Projekte verfügbar. Auf der Webseite meiner Firma IT Sky Consulting kann man sehen, was ich anbiete…

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Combining multiple scans

When images are scanned multiple times, maybe there is a way to construct an image that is better than any of the scans from them. In this case it is assumed, that one scan has a higher resolution, but another scan got the colors better. It has already been found out, which two scans belong …

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We all encounter once in a while people in the teams who really love processes. Now processes are a good thing, because they can help us to work, clarify certain things and improve efficiency. There are even processes that are absolutely mandatory, for security reasons, for example. It should be carefully chosen where to impose …

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