Some thoughts about testing

We all do a bit of testing, if we are in IT. Even if I would by no means call myself a professional test engineer or test manager, I could make some observation about the topic. I did hear a lot of times, that testing is kind of the easy task in the IT industry, …

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Internetexplorer and Microsoft Edge discontinued

It seems that Microsoft will discontinue development of its Edge Browser, which was meant to be an replacement for Internet Explorer. Instead they will base it on Google Chromium, so they will use the same HTML- and JavaScript-Engine as Google Chrome and the open source variant Chromium. The HTML- and JS-Engines of Edge will not …

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The language Ruby is one of the most beautiful languages. A lot of things can be done, it has a good level of abstraction, it has chosen some very good defaults, has provided some great ideas that I have not discovered in any other language that I know well and provides a lot of flexibility. …

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