Binary Data

Having discussed to some extent about strings and text data, it is time to look at the other case, binary data. Usually we think of arrays of bytes or sequences of bytes stored in some media. Why bytes? The 8-bit-computers are no longer so common, but the byte as a typical unit of binary data …

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When using an arguable stupid American date format, today’s date looks like „03/14/15“ instead of 2015-03-14, which are the first few digits of . Now we all know how to calculate , we just use the Taylor series of or , which unfortunately does not converge too well when used naïvely, but there are tricks …

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Why I still like Ruby

Some years ago Ruby in conjunction with rails was an absolute hype. In the Rails User Group in Zürich we had meetups with 30 people every two weeks. The meetings every two weeks have been retained, but often we are just five to ten people now. Is the great time of Ruby over or is …

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