Update of captcha-Plugin does not work

My wordpress installation suggested the update of a plugin for captcha, but it actually failed with an error message mentioning permissions and the files „captcha/cache/index.php“ and „captcha/cache/.htaccess“. What did help: In the directory of the wordpress-installation go to wp-content/plugins/si-captcha-for-wordpress/captcha/cache Then delete the files index.php and .htaccess Make a backup of them outside of the wordpress …

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Functional programming languages have become a bit of a hype. But the ideas are not really so new. The first languages beyond Assembly language that have maintained some relevance up to today were FORTRAN, COBOL and Lisp. Indirectly also Algol, because it inspired pretty much any modern mainstream programming language in some way through some …

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Webseiten für Mobilgeräte

English Viele Webseiten werden heute für Desktop-Geräte mit einem bestimmten Bildschirmformat optimiert und man versucht vielleicht noch nachträglich eine gewisse Mobiltauglichkeit ranzuflicken. Dabei wird schnell vergessen, dass das Anschauen der Webseite mit einem Mobiltelefon kein Nischenfall mehr ist, sondern häufig vorkommt. Manche Webseiten funktionieren gar nicht auf Mobiltelefonen, man kann es einfach aufgeben, sie zu …

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Web Pages for Mobile Devices

Deutsch Many web pages are still created for desktop devices and optimized for a certain screen format. Often an additional effort is spent on adding some mobile capability on top of that. This tends to neglect the fact that viewing web pages with a mobile device is no longer an edge case, but quite a …

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