Visit to reClojure in London 2019

On 2019-12-02 I visited the conference reClojure.

This was an admirable community effort to create a replacement for ScalaExchange, which simply did not happen because of the bankruptcy of Skillsmatter.

There was only one track, so the schedule is exactly what I visited.

I will just copy it below, because schedules from conference sites usually disappear after some time:

  • Building stuff with Clojure and 3D Printing. Clément Salaün.
    How to design objects with Clojure, OpenSCAD and then 3D print them. This talk covers the motivations, basic concepts and features with a live demo.
  • Clojure Art. Karl Brodowsky.
    Teaching or learning Clojure using images has been proven to be fun and beneficial! In this talk, learn how.
  • Growing Mobile Apps with ClojureScript and React Native. Daniel Neal.
    Starting things is fun, but growing them can be a real challenge – and mobile apps are no different…
  • Live Coding a Mandelbrot Renderer. Peter Westmacott.
    In this talk, Peter will demonstrate live coding of a fractal renderer, with the aim to show how complex beauty can emerge from simple mathematical rules and a little code.
  • Pizza Party Lunch (Thank You uSwitch!)
    Short 10 minute talks. Various Speakers.
  • Unleash the power of the REPL. Dana Borinski.
    Return to basics and dive into how to leverage the REPL to solve problems and debug more quickly – and with the added bonus of honing our Clojure skills!
  • Generating Generators. Andy Chambers.
    Generating data for use in tests can be laborious and boring. However, using the database’s information schema you can alleviate that! Discover the ways to achieve this.
  • Living in a Box. Life in Containers with the JVM. Matthew Gilliard.
    A focus on how containers and the JVM interact and what implications are there for Clojure Developers. Get the best results from the work gone into OpenJDK container support.
  • Closing Keynote – Code, meet data! Malcolm Sparks.
    Computers have 3 jobs: Input, process, output. How have we made such a mess of something so fundamental? Observations, opportunities for Clojurists and hope for the future.

There is a youtube channel for reClojure, where we can now find recordings of the talks.

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