It seems that Microsoft is ending the development of Windows Mobile. After having tried with some effort to get into the mobile operating system business, it seems that the market share is now less than 1%, with Android being >85% and iOS close to 15% according to IDC. Because the market is so large, it …
Autor-Archive: bk1
Cassandra DB
The large zoo of NoSQL databases needs to be considered thoroughly. While the major transactional SQL databases (Oracle, PostgreSQL, MS-SQL-Server, DB2 and to a limited extent MariaDB/MySQL) can be used more or less interchangeably, if we are talking about the beginning of the project, the NoSQL databases have totally different features and must be chosen …
Perl 5 and Perl 6
We have now two Perls. Perl 5, which has been around for more than 20 years just as the „Perl programming language“ and Perl 6, which has been developed for more than a decade and of which now stable versions exist. The fact, that they are both called „Perl“ is a bit misleading. They are …
Conference Talks
Referring to the Swiss Perl Workshop, it is now time to collect all the conference talks that I have given so far and that have been uploaded as video. Lightning Talk: Why Computer calculate wrong (done with Scala; ScalaX 2015) Why computer calculate wrong (done with Perl and Perl 6; Alpine Perl Workshop 2016) Lightning …
Swiss Perl Workshop 2017
I have attended the Swiss Perl Workshop. We were a group of about 40 people, one track and some very interesting talks, including by Damian Conway. I gave a regular talk and a lightning talk myself. The content of my talk might go into another Blog post in the future. The Perl programming language is …
End of Swisscom iO
The Swisscom-App iO will be discontinued on 2017-08-31. So from then on the service will no longer be available. A bit more than four years after launching the app, it is now terminated. The goal was to replace a significant part of the conventional telephony by iO and to become a relevant player in the …
There are many good systems for doing the bug report tickets. Good open source tools. Some people like HP-Quality-Center. But most developer teams seem to like Jira, because it is easy to use, has hosting options and good functionality and stability. Also there are ways to support modern agile development styles like Kanban and Scrum. …
Shell Scripts
Shell scripts can be useful for writing small stuff like combining a few commands to pipes or doing a bit of „back ticking“. Even simple loops and if-conditions are possible. And if we want, it is almost a full programming language. A bit hard to tame, maybe, but quite a lot of stuff is possible. …
We use our computers and other devices everywhere. While phones are of course equipped with a SIM card that at least part of the time allows relatively cheap internet access via the GSM-network (of course today UMTS or LTE or whatever comes next), laptops usually do not have SIM cards, even though they could. So …
Do it yourself..
We often observe that something that needed help by an employee is now done by ourselves. Our automobile-affine friends have to fill in gasoline themselves since the seventies in Germany and now even the payment is often done with cards, so that there is no human on site, but only video surveillance, I assume. In …