Christmas 2016

З Рiздвом Христовим − کريسمس مبارک − Nollaig Shona Dhuit − Kellemes Karácsonyi Ünnepeket − Feliz Natal − Gëzuar Krishtlindjet − Joyeux Noël − καλά Χριστούγεννα − Vesele Vianoce − Fröhliche Weihnachten − Vesele bozicne praznike − Bon nadal − God Jul − Glædelig Jul − Честита Коледа − Feliz Navidad − Sretan božić − …

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This Blog is now using https. So the new URL is The old URL is no longer supported, but it is automatically forwarded to the https-URL. If you like to read more about changing the links within the Blog you can find information on Vladimir’s Blog including a recipe, both in German.

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Is Java becoming non-free?

We are kind of used to the fact that Java is „free“. It has been free in the sense of „free beer“ pretty much forever. And more recently also „free“ in the sense of „free speech“. In spite of the fact that we read that „Oracle is going to monetize on Java“, as can be …

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Java has always not just been a language, but it brought us libraries and frameworks. Some of them proved to be bad ideas, some become hyped without having any obvious advantages, but some were really good. In the JEE-stack, messaging (JMS) was included pretty much from the beginning. In those days, when Java belonged to …

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Clojure Exchange 2016

I have just visited Clojure Exchange. Since it had only one track, there is no point in listing which talks I have attended, since this can easily be seen on the web page of the conference. It was interesting and there were many great talks and I also met great people among the other participants.

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Devoxx 2016 Visit

As already written in Devoxx 2016 I visited Devoxx in Antwerp 2016. Hot topics where Java 9 and the functional features of Java 8. But there was a wide range of talks. As in previous years visitors can watch all the talks that they missed or found interesting enough to re-watch online afterwards. In earlier …

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Devoxx 2016

I am going to the Devoxx in Antwerp 2016. Updates about what I did will follow soon. As a starter here is my Devoxx-Talk. Let this be the main content for this posting, which is mostly video instead of text. Here is the github repo with the code examples. Other Links: youtube Web Page 2012 …

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How to calculate transcendental functions

There is sometimes need to calculate transcendental functions like , , or . We get them from the library and the library relies on implementations in the CPU for most of them. This is true, if we like to do them in „double“ format, which is the standard way of doing floating point arithmetic. But …

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Unit Testing in a non-perfect World

Test Driven Development We all know that how good test driven development is and that we should move in that direction. How much coverage There are some serious obstacles. Most of all, we have some obligation to actually finish software and the resources are usually kind of limited. If they were not limited by money …

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Modular Arithmetic

We have some articles in this blog about integers of typical programming languages and how they work. Time to introduce the underlying mathematical concepts, that have been covered implicitly until now, since they are also interesting in many other aspects. And besides, this is a very beautiful area of mathematics. Mathematics that we learn in …

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