Automatic editing

For changing file contents, we often use editors. But sometimes it is a good idea to do this from a script and do a change to many files at once or do the same kind of changes often. The classic approach to this is using sed, which is made exactly for this purpose. But most …

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Meetings with some members remote

Almost all meeting rooms have these technically excellent Jabra devices to do a meeting and let someone participate who is not in the meeting room. What happens during these meetings more often than not: The remote participant or the remote participants are forgotten… While it may be a useful approach in some circumstances, think twice …

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vim and vi

We all have our preferences for editors and IDEs. I like Emacs and IntelliJ. But I also like vi. When you work on Linux-Servers that are not your own, there is a certain, quite limited set of software installed, that makes this thing work. Usually you will find Perl and Python. And vi as editor. …

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There is more than one way to do it

Quite often we need to do something (system engineering, software development, database,…) and when we let ten people do it, it will be done in eleven different ways. Some organization like to „standardize“ things… And to some extent that is needed actually. But the challenge is to find what needs to be standardized and what …

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Configuration Files

Just a short story as a starter: I went to a Covid19 test and a colleague asked the very legitimate question, why I am doing a test in spite of being vaccinated twice. This has a lot to do with configuration of software. There are configuration files, that are the rules that local, regional, national …

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Remote Work (15 months later)

After having worked mostly remotely for more than 15 months, some more experience has been gained on this issue than in April 2020. It looks like conservative organizations still have a hard time getting used to this concept and instead insist that they are this rare special exception that absolutely needs to be in the …

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Unit and Integration Test with Databases

From an ideological point of view, tests that involve the database may be unit tests are may be integration tests. For many applications the functional logic is quite trivial, so it is quite pointless to write „real unit tests“ that work without the database. Or it may be useful. But there is a category of …

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Electronic Vaccination Certificates

It is becoming increasingly important to have a way to easily prove being vaccinated against Covid-19 in a way that works at least throughout Europe. This can be a piece of paper and it can be an app. People are very concerned about faking the certificate. This can happen and it is of course a …

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Spline Approximation (Mathematics II)

This is the third of a series of article about spline approximation. If you have not done so, you should start reading Spline Approximation (Introduction) Spline Approximation (Mathematics) So a function which is supposed to approximate a given set of points as a linear combination     of functions , as described in the previous …

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Git for Linux System Engineering

Now that git has become the standard version control software, which is used by software developers. Now for system engineering and system administration purposes it used to be an approach to just login and do something and remember it or even note it somewhere. Some people tried to just use RCS or SCCS on the …

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