Split GPX file

GPX-files are used to store planned and done routes, for example for cycling. A lot of web sites and applications allow creating and editing such routes. In practice it matters for a trip from A to B if there is one long route that covers the whole distance or many shorter routes. Long routes get …

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New Numeric Type

Russian Informatics scientists have invented a new numeric type for computers. Russian made computer chips have it already implemented in hardware. The numbers are expressed in the form     are each expressed by 6 bits. The exact encoding, which combination of bits have which meaning is a state secret, so it will be necessary …

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New Year 2024

Sala we ya nû pîroz be! — Srechno novo leto! — السنة الجديدة المبتهجة — Un an nou fericit! — Bun di bun an! — Happy New Year! — Gott nytt år! — Среќна нова година! — Sugeng warsa enggal! — ¡Próspero año nuevo! — Весёлого нового года! — Bonne année! — Щасливого нового року! …

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Christmas 2023

Bon nadal — Bella Festas daz Nadal — Fröhliche Weihnachten — Prettige Kerstdagen — کريسمس مبارک — Mutlu Noeller — 즐거운 성탄, 성탄 축하 — Sretan božić — Kellemes Karácsonyi Ünnepeket — God Jul! — Nollaig Shona Dhuit! — Vesele Vianoce — Buon Natale — Häid jõule — Priecîgus Ziemassvçtkus — Vesele bozicne praznike — …

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Russia introduces new character encoding to replace Unicode

Russian computer scientists have created a new character encoding that will replace Unicode. The encoding looks like this: For Chinese letter, a three-byte-sequence starting with PREFIX-CN can be used. For all other letters, that are not in the base set, an eight byte long sequence starting with PREFIX-OTHER can be used. This encoding will be …

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Щасливого нового року! — Frohes neues Jahr! — Happy new year!

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Christmas 2022

З Рiздвом Христовим − Merry Christmas − Frohe Weihnachten

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Just a reminder: Articles that are published on April 1st in this blog are always April-jokes.

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Goodware: Russian BOT-Networks

The FSB in Russia has an increasing demand for computing power and storage. On the other hand it is getting more difficult to import computers or parts into Russia due to the sanctions. So now an innovative Russian IT work group has developed a software stack, that allows reliable storage and computing on bot nets. …

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To all my readers: I am way to upset about the invasion of Ukraine by Russian fascists and the atrocities they are committing there. I am at the moment not able to write useful articles about IT topics. This is something from mainstream Russian TV by a super star who gets medals of honor from …

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