Login Mechanisms

By Karl Brodowsky IT Sky Consulting GmbH… Deutsch E-Banking examples „Calculator“ RSA-Number-Generator SMS Sheet with 100 Codes Android-App USB-Device SmartCard Not so common for banks: plain old username+password Login with google, twitter, facebook Calculator Enter PIN Code Enter Code from login page Read Result from calculator Enter Result in Login Page Security Questions: Depends on …

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Scala Days in Berlin 2014

Deutsch Around mid of June 2014 I have been visiting the Scala Days in Berlin. Like usual these events contain a lot of speeches, which were distributed in four tracks, apart from the key notes. The event location was a cinama, like the Devoxx in Antwerp, but this time one that has been transformed to …

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Closures in C and Scala

Deutsch Are closures at all possible in C, without falling back to writing some interpreter in C and using that interpreted langauge? Function pointers alone are far less than what is needed for closures. But they are one of the building blocks. It is quite hard to get the signature right, but a typedef proves …

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Shift- and Rotation Functions

Deutsch In a comment to Carry Bit: How does it work the question about shift and rotation functions has been asked. Which exist and how they work exactly depends off course on the CPU architecture, but I will try to give a high level overview anyway. The following aspects have to be considered: 8, 16, …

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Mathematical Formulas in WordPress

Deutsch This blog uses the Plugin WP QuickLaTeX which gets its -rendering done by QuickLaTeX. If only a page starts with , formulas can be embedded with or . They have to be written in LaTeX-notation. So this blog can use formulas like for example:                     …

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Dämonisierung von Prozessen

Auf Unix- und Linux-artigen Systemen laufen immer einige sogenannte Daemon-Prozesse. Diese laufen im Hintergrund, haben also keine Verbindung mit einem Terminal. Beim Start kann man eine sogenannte Daemonisierung verwenden. Man startet von dem interaktiv gestarteten Prozess einen Child-Prozess. Dieser hat noch Verbindung zum ersten und damit zum Terminal. Nun startet man von diesem den eigentlichen …

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So etwas muss man ja heute selten machen, Applikationsentwicklung ist eher die Tätigkeit, mit der man sich herumschlägt, wenn man kundenspezifische „Business-Software“ entwickelt oder anpasst. Bei der Systemprogrammierung schreibt man Software, die direkt auf Betriebssystemfunktionen und Hardware zugreift oder Teile von Betriebssystemen im weiteren Sinn, also nicht unbedingt nur Teile des Linux-Kernels oder Kernelmodule, sondern …

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Rounding of Money Amounts

Deutsch Many numerical calculations deal with amounts of money. It is always nice if these calculations are somewhat correct or if we can at least rest assured that we do not loose money due to such inaccuracies. Off course there are calculations that may legitimately deal with approximations, for example when calculating profits as percentages …

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Unicode, UTF-8, UTF-16, ISO-8859-1: Why is it so difficult?

Deutsch Since about 20 years we have been kept busy with the change to Unicode. The good thing: We all know that Unicode and usually UTF-8 as representation is the way we should express textual data. The web is mostly UTF-8 today. But it has been a painful path and it still is sometimes. Why …

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Plans of UK government

Aparently the UK government plans switch from Microsoft Office to open source: Guardian UK government

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