Hidden CPUs

How many CPUs does your computer have? If we go way back, we will discover that some time ago there were already ancillary CPUs in our computers. The floppy disk drive of the C64 had a CPU very similar to the one in the computer itself, but very little memory and it was hard, though …

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Source Code of Apple-iOS leaked

It seems that the parts of the source code of Apple’s iOS 9 have leaked via github. They might have been removed from there, while you are reading this, but probably they will be passed around in the internet anyway. Some sources say that this is a risk to security. It might be, but in …

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The magic trailing space

When comparing string, of course spaces count as well and they should count. To ignore them, we can normalize strings. Typical white space normalization includes the following (Perl regular expressions): /[ \t]+/ /g replace any sequence of tabs and spaces used to separate content by one space. /\r\n/\n/g replace carriage return + linefeed by linefeed …

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WPA2 compromised

The WPA2 protocol has been compromised. The so called KRACK attack allows reading encrypted content. It was always a good idea to use encrypted communication on top of WPA2 for sensitive data, like https, ssh or a VPN. This practice has been recommended in this blog before, which was again inspired by what Bruce Schneier …

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We use our computers and other devices everywhere. While phones are of course equipped with a SIM card that at least part of the time allows relatively cheap internet access via the GSM-network (of course today UMTS or LTE or whatever comes next), laptops usually do not have SIM cards, even though they could. So …

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Bring your own Device

This issue is quite controversial and it applies to laptops, tablets and smart phones. Usually the „bringing“ is not really an issue, you can have anything in your bags and connect it via the mobile phone network as long as it does not absorb the working time. But usually this implies a bit more. There …

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WannaCry or better learn from it?

The malware WannaCry became quite well known, especially because it manifested itself on the displays of the German federal railroad and it even blocked most of the hospital infrastructure in the UK. Find some discussion on Bruce Schneier’s Blog… You find a a href=“https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2017/05/did_north_korea_1.html“>more elaborate article on his blog as well. Read Bruce’s blog article, …

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This Blog is now using https. So the new URL is https://brodowsky.it-sky.net/. The old URL http://brodowsky.it-sky.net/ is no longer supported, but it is automatically forwarded to the https-URL. If you like to read more about changing the links within the Blog you can find information on Vladimir’s Blog including a recipe, both in German.

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Login Mechanisms

By Karl Brodowsky IT Sky Consulting GmbH… Deutsch E-Banking examples „Calculator“ RSA-Number-Generator SMS Sheet with 100 Codes Android-App USB-Device SmartCard Not so common for banks: plain old username+password Login with google, twitter, facebook Calculator Enter PIN Code Enter Code from login page Read Result from calculator Enter Result in Login Page Security Questions: Depends on …

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Some thoughts about ssh

Deutsch In the good old days, when the participants of the Internet still kind of knew each other, it was reasonable to trust each other, because the bad guys where not likely among the few and they did not have much to gain there from an ordinary user. So it was common to use telnet …

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