I visited Clojure Exchange 2018 in London. Since there was only one track and I attended all talks, it is easy to just refer to the schedule. Interesting topics, that came up multiple times in different flavors where immutability, stories of building real life applications, music, java and clojure and the transition, clojure script, emacs …
Schlagwort-Archive: Conferences
Scala Exchange 2017
I have visited Scala Exchange („#ScalaX“) in London on 2017-12-14 and 2017-12-15. It was great, better than 2015 in my opinion. In 2016 I missed Scala Exchange in favor of Clojure Exchange. This time there were really many talks about category theory and of course its application to Scala. Spark, Big Data and Slick were …
Conference Talks
Referring to the Swiss Perl Workshop, it is now time to collect all the conference talks that I have given so far and that have been uploaded as video. Lightning Talk: Why Computer calculate wrong (done with Scala; ScalaX 2015) Why computer calculate wrong (done with Perl and Perl 6; Alpine Perl Workshop 2016) Lightning …
ScalaUA 2017
About a month ago I visted the conference ScalaUA in Kiev. This was the schedule. It was a great conference and I really enjoyed everything, including the food, which is quite unusual for an IT-conference.. 🙂 I listened to the following talks: First day: Kappa Architecture, Juantomás García Molina 50 shades of Scala Compiler, Krzysztof …
Clojure Exchange 2016
I have just visited Clojure Exchange. Since it had only one track, there is no point in listing which talks I have attended, since this can easily be seen on the web page of the conference. It was interesting and there were many great talks and I also met great people among the other participants.
Scala Exchange 2015
It was possible to arrange a visit of Scala Exchange 2015 in London, short #ScalaX. I visited the following events: day 1: Keynote: Scaling Intelligence: moving ideas forward by Jessica Kerr Functional Patterns for FP beginners by Clément Delafargue Introduction to Apache Spark by Deenar Toraskar Keynote: Without Resilience, Nothing Else Matters by Jonas Bonér …