Scala Days 2015

I have visited Scala Days 2015 in Amsterdam.
As usual, I took the night train to get there and back.

Creative Scala

Prior to the conference we did a training session for Scala beginners together with underscore. Some volunteers, including myself, joined the effort and so we were actually more teachers than students. It was fun.

Talks I listend to:

Monday 2015-06-08

* Monday-Keynote: Scala – where it came from, where it’s going / Martin Odersky

Tuesday 2015-06-09

* Tuesday-Keynote: Life Beyond the Illusion of Present / Jonas Bonér
* GraphX: Graph analytics for insights about developer communities / Paco Nathan @pacoid
* Meerkat parsers: a general parser combinator library for real programming languages / Ali Afroozeh @afruze & Anastasia Izmaylova @IAnastassija
* Fixing Reactive Code at 100 Miles per Hour: Five Techniques to Improve How You Debug Scala and Akka / Tal Weiss @weisstal
* Options in Futures, how to unsuck them / Erik Bakker @eamelink
* State of the Meta, Summer 2015 / Eugene Burmako @xeno_by
* Function-Passing Style, A New Model for Asynchronous and Distributed Programming / Philipp Haller @philippkhaller & Heather Miller @heathercmiller
* Essential Scala: Six Core Principles for Learning Scala / Noel Welsh @noelwelsh
* Project Gålbma: Actors vs. Types / Roland Kuhn @rolandkuhn

Wednesday 2015-06-10

* Wednesday-keynote: The Future of AI in Scala, and on the JVM / Adam Gibson
* Why Spark Is the Next Top (Compute) Model / Dean Wampler @deanwampler
* The Reactive Streams Implementation Landscape / Mathias Doenitz @sirthias
* Reactive Slick for Database Programming / Stefan Zeiger @StefanZeiger
* So how do I do a 2-phase-commit with Akka then? / Lutz Huehnken @lutzhuehnken
* Functional Data Validation (or How to Think Functionally) / Dave Gurnell @davegurnell
* Don’t Block Yourself / Flavio Brasil
* Closing Panel and Thank You

More details will come…

Link: Scala Days 2014

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