Scala Days 2016

I have visited Scala Days in Berlin 2016-06-15 to 2016-06-17. A little remark on the format might be of interest. The conference is scheduled for 3 days. On the first day, there is only one speech, the first keynote, some time in the late afternoon. During Scala Days 2015 the rest of the day was put into use by organizing a Scala training session, where volunteers could teach Scala to other volunteers who wanted to learn it. But I think two or three sessions on the first day would be better and would still allow starting in the late afternoon with the first keynote. The venue and of course Berlin were great and I enjoyed the whole event.

The talks that I visited were:

Wednesday 2016-06-15

  • First keynote: Scala’s Road Ahead by Martin Odersky about the future of Scala. Very interesting ideas for future versions that are currently explored in dotty.

Thursday 2016-06-16

Friday 2016-06-17


The whole event was great, I got a lot of inspiration and met great people. Looking forward to the next event.

I might write more on some topics, where I consider it interesting, but for the moment this summary should be sufficient.


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