

Serialization allows us to store objects in a lossless way or to transfer them over the network. This could be done before, but it was necessary to program the serialization mechanism, which was a lot of work. Of course, they were not yet called objects in those days…

Java suddenly had such a serialization for (almost) all object without any additional programming effort. This does not mean that this automatic serialization did not exist before, but it was made popular with Java, because frameworks started to heavily rely on it. To use it ourselves, we just had to use ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream and Objects could be stored and written across the network or just be cloned. It was even able to handle circular references, which most serialization mechanisms cannot do. The idea was not really new, as other languages had something like this already before, but nobody became aware of it.

But there are some drawbacks, that were discovered when it was already too late and that should at least be mentioned.

  • Marking with a Serializiable-Interface is conceptionally quite a bad solution, because it assumes that serialization never gets lost by deriving classes, which is just not true. An Unserializable interface would have been a much better solution, if not almost ideal solution for this, because trivial objects are always serializable and they loose this when something non-serializable is added. Then again, how about collections… Today possibly some annotation could also be helpful.
  • This serialVersionUID creates a lot of pain. Should we change it, whenever the interface changes? We talk about the implicit serialization interface, not about an explicit interface that we can easily see. Should we trust automatic mechanisms? In any case issues with incompatible versions remain that are not really solved well and cannot even easily be solved well.
  • Serialization introduces an additional invisible constructor.
  • Serialization undermines the idea of private and protected, because suddenly private and protected member attributes become part of the interface
  • Funny effects happen with serializable non-static inner classes, because there serialized version bakes in the containing outer object. Yes it has to…
  • The object indentity gets lost, when an object is serialized. It is easy to create several copies of the same object.
  • Sometimes it is still necessary to manually write serialization code, for example for singletons. It is easy to forget this, because everything seems to work just fine automatically.
  • Java’s Serialization is quite slow.
  • The format is binary and cannot easily be read. A pluggable serialization format that could allow more human readable data files like JSON, XML,… would have been better…
  • Serialization creates a temptation to use this format for communication, which again forces a tight coupling that might not be necessary otherweise.
  • Serialization creates a temptation to use it as a storage format instead of mature database technologies. Very bad: the second level cache of hibernate…

There were some advantages in having this serialization in the past and for some purposes it kind of works. But it is important to question this and to consider other, more solid approaches, even if they require slightly more work. Generally it is today considered one of the larges fallacies of Java to introduce this serialization mechanism in this way. There are now better ways to do serialization, that require a bit more work, but avoid some of the terrible short comings of the native Java-Serialization.

For the serialVersionUID there are several approaches that can work. A statical method, that extracts from an „$Id$“-string that is managed by svn, can be a way. It will avoid compatibility between even slightly different versions, which is probably the best we can get. With git it is a bit harder, but it can be done as well.

Usually it is the best choice by far to leave serialVersionUID empty and rely on Java’s automatic mechanisms. They are not perfect, but better than 99% of the manually badly maintained serialVersionUIDs. If you want to manage your serialVersionUIDs yourself, there needs to be a checklist on what to do to release a new version of a file, a library or a whole software system. This is usually sick, because it creates a lot of work, even more errors and should really be done only with good reasons, good discipline and a very good concept. If you like anyway to use serialVersionUID or if you are forced to do so by the project, here is a script to create them randomly:

use bigint;
use Math::Random::Secure qw(irand);
my $r = (irand() << 32) + irand();
printf "%20d\n", $r;

This is still better than using the IDE-generated value and keeping it forever or starting with a 1 or 0 and keeping it forever, because updating this serialVersionUID is not really on our agenda. And it shouldn't be.

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