Flashsort in Ruby


There is a simple implementation of Flashsort in Ruby, after having already provided an implementation in C. The C-implementation is typically faster than the libc-function qsort, but this depends always on the data and on how well the metric-function has been written, that is needed on top of the comparison function for Flashsort. You can think of this metric function as some kind of monotonic hash function. So we have

    \[\bigwedge_{a,b: a\le b} m(a) \le m(b) \]

This additionally needed function of method is not really there, apart from numerical values, so we really have to invest some time into writing it. This makes the use of Flashsort a bit harder. A good metric function is crucial for good performance, but for typical text files quite trivial implentations already outperform classical O(n \log n) algorithms like Heapsort and Quicksort and Mergesort for larger amounts of data.

This blog article shows other sorting algorithms for Ruby.

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