UUIDs revisited

UUIDs have proven useful in many circumstances.
We have basically two main variants:

  • The UUID is calculated as a combination of the Ethernet-MAC-address, the timestamp and a counter.
  • The UUID is calculated using a good random number generator

While variant 1 provides for a good uniqueness, there are some issues with it. Today we use mostly virtualized servers, which means that the MAC-address is coming from a configuration file and no longer guaranteed to be world wide unique. And we give away some information with the UUID, that we do not necessarily want to give away.

Variant 2 can be proven to have an acceptably low risk of collisions, but this is only true when using really good random number generators, which cannot always be guaranteed. Also it introduces an uncertainty in an area where we do not need it. We need to worry about this uniqueness, at least a little but, which is unnecessary.

So the question is, if we can rethink variant 1.

Assuming, that our software runs on our server farm. There may be a few hundred or thousand or even millions of virtual or physical servers. Now the organization does have a way to uniquely identify their servers. Of course we only need to consider the servers that are relevant for the application. Maybe an ID for the service instance instead of the server is even better. We may assume a numerical ID or something or have a table to map IP addresses and the like to such an ID. Some thinking is still required on how to do this. We can fill the digits that we do not need with random numbers.

Putting this ID instead of the MAC address solves the issue of configurable MAC address.

The next problem, that timestamps can be abused to find out something that should not be found out could be resolved by running the timestamp part or even the ID part (including a random number) through a symmetric encryption or simply some bijective function that is kept as a secret.

In many circumstances there is nothing wrong with customizing the UUID-generation to some „local“ standard, if this is well understood and carefully implemented.

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