Indexing of Database Tables I (Primary Keys)

Any useful databases with non trivial amounts of data have some indexing mechanism in place that helps finding data based on some key values, because a full table scane or something like that is too expensive and too slow to do it often. The most typical situation is having a key and one or more …

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Microsoft laying off 18000 employees after announced loss

Deutsch It looks like Stephen Elop’s und Steve Ballmer’s idea to take over the mobile phone branch of Nokia in order to bring MS-Windows as mobile operating system on the success road has failed and will be stopped now. For the mobile phone branch that is now part of Microsoft, Microsoft-CEO Satya Nadella announced, that …

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Microsoft entlässt bis zu 18000 Mitarbeiter nach Milliardenverlust

English Wie es aussieht, ist die Idee von Stephen Elop und Steve Ballmer, die Mobilfunksparte von Nokia auszuschlachten und damit für MS-Windows als Mobiltelefonbetriebssystem einen Fuß in die Tür zu bekommen, nicht aufgegangen und wird jetzt gestoppt. Für die durch Microsoft von Nokia übernommene Mobiltelefonsparte kündigte Microsoft-CEO Satya Nadella an, dass Milliarden abgeschrieben werden und …

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Conversion of ASCII-graphics to PNG or JPG

Images are usually some obscure binary files. Their most common formats, PNG, SVG, JPEG and GIF are well documented and supported by many software tools. Libraries and APIs exist for accessing these formats, but also a phantastic free interactive software like Gimp. The compression rate that can reasonably be achieved when using these format is …

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System Programming on Linux and MS-Windows

Quite honestly I admit that I really love the Posix-APIs for system programming and even some Linux specific extensions to it. I/O, Locking, Semaphores, Shared Memory, Message Queues, Signals, named and anonymous pipes, Unix Domain Sockets, TCP/IP programming, Terminal I/O, pthreads and a lot more are very powerful and fun to program. I do discover …

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Zukunft für IT-Freiberufler

English Einige von uns arbeiten in der Informatik. Und dort gibt es doch einige Modelle. Man kann bei der Firma, der man die Arbeit erledigt, direkt angestellt sein. Man kann als Freiberufler, also entweder mit einem speziellen Freiberufler-Status oder mit einer eigenen Ein-Personen-Firma für seinen Kunden arbeiten. Oder man kann als Angestellter einer größeren Firma …

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Future for IT-Contractors

Deutsch Some of us are working in IT. And there you can finde some working models. You can work directly as employee of the company whose work you are doing. You can work as contractor (freelancer), with one of several slightly different setups, depending on the country. Or you can work as an employee of …

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Scala Days 2015

I have visited Scala Days 2015 in Amsterdam. As usual, I took the night train to get there and back. Creative Scala Prior to the conference we did a training session for Scala beginners together with underscore. Some volunteers, including myself, joined the effort and so we were actually more teachers than students. It was …

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Update of WordPress

Deutsch The update of WordPress and its Plugins did not really work. A small change helped a lot: In .htaccess put the following line to the beginning of the file: AddHandler php56-cgi .php … Then all updates seemed to work fine. Maybe this helps others observing the same problem.

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Aktualisierung von WordPress

English Die Aktualisierung von WordPress und Plugins hat hier nicht so gut funktioniert. Es hat eine kleine Änderung geholfen, jetzt ist alles gut: In .htaccess am Anfang diese Zeile AddHandler php56-cgi .php einfügen… Danach funktionierten alle Updates gut. Vielleicht hilft das auch anderen, die damit Probleme hatten….

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