Indexing of long utf-8 files or strings

The UTF-8 format has the disadvantage that the length of characters and code points varies. Accessing a given position counted in characters is only possible by starting from the beginning or by providing an indexing structure. It is a good idea to find a balance between size and speed. So indexing blocks of several kilobyte …

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Geometric and Harmonic Rounding

Most of our rounding methods are based on arithmetic rounding. Please refer to the nomenclature described in Residue Class Rounding. So we can base our rounding on a metric and the most obvious choice is the absolute value of the difference of the two parameters, . That is what everybody does and nothing else really …

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The language issue

Since I did not get a lot of feedback, possibly because wordpress denied to accept the vote, I can now see that continuing the blog in English or German seems to be equally popular or unpopular. I have provided the articles of almost three months almost completely in both languages, but now I intend to …

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Comment Functionality

The comment function does not seem to work after some software upgrades. It is necessary to check write permissions on the directory /wp-content/plugins/si-captcha-for-wordpress/captcha/cache, then it will work again. So you can write comments again, I will only reject spam.

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Die Kommentarfunktion geht bei jedem Upgrade von WordPress verloren. Damit sie funktioniert, werden Schreibrechte im Verzeichnis /wp-content/plugins/si-captcha-for-wordpress/captcha/cache benötigt. Die muss man nach jedem Softwareupdate überprüfen. Jetzt sollte die Kommentarfunktion wieder gehen.

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Monads in Ruby

Monads? Easy! A Monad over X simply is a Monoid in the Category of Endofunctors of X. Monads? Really! Monads are a concept in mathematics Algebra is an area of mathematics Category theory is an abstraction of algebra. Monads are defined in category theory Remember: in category theory we talk about infinity beyond cardinality of …

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Swiss Perl Workshop 2015 in Olten

Please reserve the date in your calendar: The Swiss Perl Workshop will take place on the 28th and 29th of August 2015 in Olten. The location can easily be reached by public transport, being only 5 min walking distance from the railroad station with 500 trains per day. So if you are using the Perl …

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Rounding with sum

Deutsch Often we have to round some numbers in such a way that the sum is correct afterwards. The most obvious case is maybe with percentage values, where a sum other than 100% is confusing for readers. But we may even have cases where a calculation becomes incorrect if the some constraint is violated. Anyway …

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Rundung mit Summe

English Häufig muss man einige Zahlen auf einmal runden, aber die Summe soll hinterher „aufgehen“. Das kann man „summenerhaltendes Runden“ nennen, wobei unter Umständen auch die Summe gerundet wird. Der häufigste Fall sind Prozentwerte und wenn die gerundeten Zahlen nicht zusammen 100% ergeben, versteht das niemand. Da kann es schon besser sein, etwas schwieriger verständliche …

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Random-Access and UTF-8

Deutsch It is a nice thing to be able to use random access files and to have the possibility to efficiently move to any byte position for reading or writing. This is even true for text files that have a fixed number of bytes per character, for example exactly one, exactly two or exactly four …

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