We often encounter situations, where a large number of files should be copied or renamed or moved or something like that. This can be done on the Linux command line, but it should be possible in almost the same way on the Unix/Linux/Cygwin-command line of newer MS-Windows or MacOS-X. Now people routinely do that and …
Kategorie-Archive: Programming Languages
Comparing Images
A practical problem that I have is to sort my digital photos. Some of them have been taken with analog cameras and they have been scanned. Some of them have been scanned several times, using different resolution, different providers or different technologies. So one issue that occurs is having two directories which contain more or …
Object Creation: Builder vs. Constructor vs. Setter
When we create new objects, we are basically confronted with the need to provide at least one construction pattern. Of course depending on the language we have more or less three ways to go that are commonly available. Traditionally in OO it was mandatory to write setters and getters. In C++ or Java they really …
„Object Creation: Builder vs. Constructor vs. Setter“ weiterlesen
In the Java sphere we often develop the same data class several times. Each layer has its own variant and they are named almost the same, with some prefix or suffix or just the package name to distinguish. The set of attributes is the same (or almost the same), they have setters and getters. Or …
Perl Scripts for editing
Even though we do have IDEs with quite powerful refactoring mechanisms for many languages, it is still sometimes useful, to have another automated editing mechanism. Why would that be the case? Some examples: In some cases there was an SQL script to create the database tables, which had been written first. From that classes and …
JSON instead of Java Serialization: The solution?
We start recognizing that Serialization is not such a good idea. It is cool and can really work on a wide range of objects, even including complex and cyclic reference graphs. And it was essential for some older Java frameworks like EJB and RMI, which allowed remote access to Java objects and classes. But it …
„JSON instead of Java Serialization: The solution?“ weiterlesen
Perl and Scala: what can they learn from each other?
Ironically Scala at first drew my interest, because I discovered that about ten years ago there was no really good understanding of how to do a good multithreading concept for Perl 6. I thought exploring how they do it in Scala, where it was already known to be good at that time, would give a …
„Perl and Scala: what can they learn from each other?“ weiterlesen
Phone Numbers and E-Mail Addresses
Most data that we deal with are strings or numbers or booleans and combinations of these into classes and collections. Dates can be expressed as string or number, but have enough specific logic to be seen as a fourth group of data. All these have interesting aspects, some of which have been discussed in this …
Ranges of Dates and Times
In Software we often deal with ranges of dates and times. Let us look at it from the perspective of an end user. When we say something like „from 2020-03-07 to 2019-03-10“ we mean the set of all timestamps such that or more accurately: Important is, that we mean to include …
Functional Scala London 2019
In December 2019 I attended the conference Functional Scala in London which was initiated and managed by John de Goes. See Skillsmatter about what happened to Scala Exchange. Of course a large part of the conference was related to ZIO, which seems to be a part of the eco system surrounding Scala with a lot …