Git for Linux System Engineering

Now that git has become the standard version control software, which is used by software developers. Now for system engineering and system administration purposes it used to be an approach to just login and do something and remember it or even note it somewhere. Some people tried to just use RCS or SCCS on the …

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Starting processes while booting (Linux)

When a Linux system is booted, we want certain processes to run immediately. In the old days, that is 25 years ago or so, this was done in „BSD-style“ by having certain magical shell scripts that start everything in the right order. When adding another service, this just had to be added to the shell …

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How to disable touchpad (on Linux/X11)

For me it is much better to use an external mouse than the touchpad, which I sometimes touch accidentally. So, here is how to disable it with a short Perl-Script. A bash script with a bit of Perl would do the same, btw. #!/usr/bin/perl my $tp = `xinput list | egrep -i touch`; chomp $tp; …

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How to rename files according to a pattern

We often encounter situations, where a large number of files should be copied or renamed or moved or something like that. This can be done on the Linux command line, but it should be possible in almost the same way on the Unix/Linux/Cygwin-command line of newer MS-Windows or MacOS-X. Now people routinely do that and …

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Tips and Tricks: Typing Unicode

I found this on You can enter arbitrary Unicode characters (more precisely code points) in X11 on Linux, if you know their Hex-Code: Press Shift-Ctrl (keep them pressed) Press also the letter u Release the Ctrl-Key Release the u-key Keep the Shift-key pressed Enter the Hex-Code of the Code point with the number of …

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Plans of UK government

Aparently the UK government plans switch from Microsoft Office to open source: Guardian UK government

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