Project-local Libraries

Many projects have these „project-local“ or „company-local“ libraries, that can be used optionally or are even strongly imposed on developers. They may be called something like core toolkit toolbox base platform utils lib common framework baselib sdk tools or even with a meaningful good name. Generally there is nothing wrong with such libraries, if they …

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Testing and Micro Components

It is an interesting trend to create micro components, microservices and use building blocks that are very easy to understand. As always, a new approach will not eliminate all problems. The problem that we are solving has an inherent complexity that we cannot beat. But usually we create a lot of complexity that would not …

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Eine größere Software muss man sicher strukturieren, sonst baut man sich ein Monster. Nun kann man versuchen, Komponenten zu definieren, die so klein wie nur möglich sind. Die Komplexität innerhalb der Komponenten wird dadurch reduziert und überschaubar. Aber man bekommt ein Problem, weil die Menge der Komponenten dabei zu groß wird und man eine sehr …

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