About a week ago I visited Scala UA in Kiev.
This was the schedule.
It was a great conference once again, as it was already in 2017 and I really enjoyed everything, including the food, which was great again… 🙂
I listened to the following talks on the first day:
- Tales from the trenches, developing Scala at scale by Rory Graves
- Practical Introduction to Basic Cats Typeclasses by Anatolii Kmetiuk
- User Behavior Analytics for Cyber Security and Its Implementation In Scala by Derek Lin & Leonid Kladko
- Evolution of ads management platform architecture from Akka Cluster to Akka Streams Kafka by Andrew Lashchenko
- Hands-on Image Recognition with Scala, Spark and DeepLearning4j by Guglielmo Iozzia
- Integration testing of REST services using Akka Http by Noam Almog
- Datomic — the functional database by August Lilleaas
- SmartContracts & Blockchain: somebody had to say it… by Ruslan Shevchenko
- Open Bank Project: Open source, open data, global banks, Scala and transparency. How did that happen? by Marko Milić
And I gave this talk:
On the second day I listened to the following talks:
- Advanced Patterns in Asynchronous Programming, Michael Arenzon & Assaf Ronen
- Akka: Actors Design And Communication Techniques, Alex Zvolinskiy
- Monad Stacks or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Free Monad, and other stories, Harry Laoulakos
- Scala on Wire: How event streams help us build Android apps, Maciej Gorywoda
- Purely functional microservices with http4s and doobie, Jasper van Zandbeek
- Tame Your Data with Reactive Streams and Monix, Jacek Kunicki
- Future and issues of the Scala Ecosystem, Panel Discussion
- Roll your own Event Sourcing, Lina Krutulytė-Kriščiūnė
And I gave this talk:
As always there was a lot of inspiration coming from the talks and a lot worth exploring in future posts. So there will be Scala posts once in a while, as in the past…
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