
New research has analyzed the concept of transactions from a very theoretical point of view. An interesting result of this research was the concept of cisactions, which are in some way the opposite of transactions. A duality between cisactions and transactions has been proven. This means that in principal every application that is based on …

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Unicode and C

It is a common practice in C to use arrays of char as strings. The 0 is used as end marker. The whole thing was created like that in the 1970s and at that time it was kind of cool to get away with one less language feature and to express it in terms of …

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Article 13

The European Parliament is considering to pass an article 13 that would interfer with the internet usage and freedom of speech in the internet under the pretence of enforcing copyright violations. It is important to resist. Links wired online-petition save the internet open letter How the German EU parliament member intend to vote (Twitter) NZZ …

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Flashsort in Scala

There is now also an implementation of Flashsort in Scala. In order to solve the requirement of sorting part of an array that is needed as part of flashsort, an heapsort implementation in Scala that can be constrained to a part of an array has been included as well. Heapsort was chosen, because it can …

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Flashsort in Ruby

Deutsch There is a simple implementation of Flashsort in Ruby, after having already provided an implementation in C. The C-implementation is typically faster than the libc-function qsort, but this depends always on the data and on how well the metric-function has been written, that is needed on top of the comparison function for Flashsort. You …

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Not all projects are on ideal paths II (Tim Finnerty)

This is another story of a project, that did not go as well as it could have gone while I was there. From unsuccessful projects we can learn a lot, so there will be stories like this once in a while. The first one was about Tom Rocket. Tim Finnerty It was the time, when …

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Google+ will be shut down

Google is terminating its Google+ service, at least the consumer version. For this reason I have removed the „share on google+ buttons“.

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WordPress-Plugin destabilizes WordPress Installation – How to Fix

I had a plugin installed in WordPress. And had it activated. Then I got an error message like „Fatal error: Undefined class constant ‚plugin_version‘ in /www/htdocs/w00fb338/wp-content/plugins/share-on-diaspora/admin.php on line 17“, whenever I went to any admin or authoring functionality of my blog. Just reading it seemed to work fine. So there was no way to go …

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Disclaimer: This article is an occasion, where you might need some of the presumably useless mathematics that you might have learned in school and university. If this bothers you, maybe you should wait for the next article in about two weeks time. LongDecimal is a library that I have provided for Ruby. It is available …

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Some thoughts about testing

We all do a bit of testing, if we are in IT. Even if I would by no means call myself a professional test engineer or test manager, I could make some observation about the topic. I did hear a lot of times, that testing is kind of the easy task in the IT industry, …

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