Devoxx Kiew 2018

In the end of 2018 the number of conferences is kind of high. A great highlight is the Devoxx BE in Antwerp. But it has now five partner conferences in London, Paris, Krakow, Morocco and Kiev. So I decided to have a look at the one in Kiev. How was it in comparison to the …

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Some thoughts about String equality

Of course Strings are today in some way Unicode. In this article we assume code points as the building blocks of Strings. That means for example in the Java-world, that we are talking about one code point being comprised of one Java character for typical European languages, using Latin, Greek or Cyrillic alphabets including extensions …

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SQL: DROP, CREATE,… How to avoid errors?

In SQL we often want to create or drop an object (TABLE, VIEW, SEQUENCE, INDEX, SYNONYM, DATABASE, USER, SCHEMA,….) Now we do not know if this thing exists or not. We would like to write scripts, that work in either case. So something like CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS XYZ (…); or DROP TABLE IF …

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Almost every non trivial application uses in some way a database. For many years this has been anyway Oracle, DB2 or MS-SQL-Server, depending mostly on the habits and on the religious orientation of the organization that developed or ran the application. These days all three are available for Linux and MS-Windows. DB2 is also available …

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Cassandra DB

The large zoo of NoSQL databases needs to be considered thoroughly. While the major transactional SQL databases (Oracle, PostgreSQL, MS-SQL-Server, DB2 and to a limited extent MariaDB/MySQL) can be used more or less interchangeably, if we are talking about the beginning of the project, the NoSQL databases have totally different features and must be chosen …

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Observer Effect

Scientists have to deal with the observer effect, which means that observing something actually changes it. Typically we think of quantum physics, where this effect is very strong and surprising and closely related to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, but it is actually something that in a more abstract sense is present in a multitude of …

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DB Persistence without UPDATE and DELETE

When exploring the usage of databases for persistence, the easiest case is a database that does only SELECT. We can cache as much as we like and it is more or less the functional immutable world brought to the database. For working on fixed data and analyzing data this can sometimes be useful. Usually our …

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Microsoft SQL Server will be available for Linux in 2017

Deutsch Microsoft has officially announced that their database MS SQL Server will become available for Linux in 2017. I think the time has come for this. Since the departure of Steve Ballmer Microsoft has become a little bit less religous and more pragmatic. There are good reasons to be skeptical about companies like Microsoft and …

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Almost every serious programming language has to deal with database access, if not out of love, then at least out of practical necessity. The theoretical background of a functional programming language is somewhat hostile to this, because pure functional langauges tend to dislike state and a database has the exact purpose to preserve state for …

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How to create ISO Date String

It is a more and more common task that we need to have a date or maybe date with time as String. There are two reasonable ways to do this: * We may want the date formatted in the users Locale, whatever that is. * We want to use a generic date format, that is …

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