2019 — Happy New Year

Gott nytt år! — Godt nytt år! — Felice anno nuovo! — Καλή Χρονια! — Щасливого нового року! — Срећна нова година! — С новым годом! — Feliĉan novan jaron! — Bonne année! — FELIX SIT ANNUS NOVUS — Gullukkig niuw jaar! — Un an nou fericit! — Frohes neues Jahr! — Happy new year! …

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Christmas 2018

Feliĉan Kristnaskon! — Frohe Weihnachten! — God Jul! — Merry Christmas! — Joyeux Noël! — クリスマスおめでとう ; メリークリスマス — Срећан Божић! — Buon Natale! — Hyvää Joulua! — З Рiздвом Христовим! — ميلاد مجيد — С Рождеством! — Crăciun fericit! — ¡Feliz Navidad! — καλά Χριστούγεννα! — Natale hilare! — God Jul! — Prettige Kerstdagen! …

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Indexing of Arrays and Lists

We index arrays with integers. Lists also, at least the ones that allow random access. And sizes of collections are also integers. This allows for entries in Java and typical JVM languages, because integers are actually considered to be 32bit. Actually we could think of one more entry, using indices , but then we would …

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Clojure Exchange 2018

I visited Clojure Exchange 2018 in London. Since there was only one track and I attended all talks, it is easy to just refer to the schedule. Interesting topics, that came up multiple times in different flavors where immutability, stories of building real life applications, music, java and clojure and the transition, clojure script, emacs …

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Devoxx Kiew 2018

In the end of 2018 the number of conferences is kind of high. A great highlight is the Devoxx BE in Antwerp. But it has now five partner conferences in London, Paris, Krakow, Morocco and Kiev. So I decided to have a look at the one in Kiev. How was it in comparison to the …

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Devoxx Antwerp 2018

In 2018 I am visiting a few conferences. A great highlight is the Devoxx BE in Antwerp, which I had the privilege of visiting 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. As it should be, it is not just the same every year, but content and speakers change a bit from year to year. Some …

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Deutsch Software often contains a logging functionality. Usually entries one or sometimes multiple lines are appended to a file, written to syslog or to stdout, from where they are redirected into a file. They are telling us something about what the software is doing. Usually we can ignore all of it, but as soon as …

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Some thoughts about String equality

Of course Strings are today in some way Unicode. In this article we assume code points as the building blocks of Strings. That means for example in the Java-world, that we are talking about one code point being comprised of one Java character for typical European languages, using Latin, Greek or Cyrillic alphabets including extensions …

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Program Functionality without Code

Depending on the programming language and the frameworks we use, it is possible to have program functionality that is not happening in actual code that we write in that language. It seems weird, but actually it is something that we have been doing for decades and it has been sold to us as being extremely …

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Intervals are subsets of a universe, that are defined by upper and lower boundaries. Typically we think about real numbers, but any totally ordered universe allows the definition of intervals. Intervals are defined by lower and upper boundaries, which can be a limiting number or unlimited, typically written as for the upper bound and for …

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