Automatic editing

For changing file contents, we often use editors. But sometimes it is a good idea to do this from a script and do a change to many files at once or do the same kind of changes often. The classic approach to this is using sed, which is made exactly for this purpose. But most …

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Git for Linux System Engineering

Now that git has become the standard version control software, which is used by software developers. Now for system engineering and system administration purposes it used to be an approach to just login and do something and remember it or even note it somewhere. Some people tried to just use RCS or SCCS on the …

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How to calculate Square Roots and Cubic Roots

The functions sqrt and sometimes even cbrt are commonly available, but it is nice to see how they can be calculated. There are several approaches, but the most popular ones are Newton’s method and an algorithmic formulation of how roots are taken manually, for those old enough to still have learned it in school. Earlier …

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Disclaimer: This article is an occasion, where you might need some of the presumably useless mathematics that you might have learned in school and university. If this bothers you, maybe you should wait for the next article in about two weeks time. LongDecimal is a library that I have provided for Ruby. It is available …

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The language Ruby is one of the most beautiful languages. A lot of things can be done, it has a good level of abstraction, it has chosen some very good defaults, has provided some great ideas that I have not discovered in any other language that I know well and provides a lot of flexibility. …

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Getter und Setter

English In der objektorientierten Programmierung gilt es als fortschrittlich, getter und setter zu verwenden, statt auf Attribute direkt zuzugreifen, weil das einem die Flexibilität gibt, später auf berechnete Attribute umzuschwenken. Etwas hässlich ist das, weil die getter und setter, etwas willkürlich den Attributnamen mit so einem vorangestellten „get“ oder „is“ oder „set“ und eventueller Umwandlung …

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