
Deutsch Serialization allows us to store objects in a lossless way or to transfer them over the network. This could be done before, but it was necessary to program the serialization mechanism, which was a lot of work. Of course, they were not yet called objects in those days… Java suddenly had such a serialization …

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Why am I learning Python

To be honest, what can be done with Python can also be done with Perl or Ruby. I am not working in areas, where there is much better library support for Python than for Perl or Ruby. And I like Perl and Ruby very much and I am somewhat skeptical about Python. But there are …

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Meaningless Whitespace in Textfiles

We use different file formats that are more or less tolerant to certain changes. Most well known is white space in text files. In some programming languages white space (space, newline, carriage return, form feed, tabulator, vertical tab) has no meaning, as long as any whitespace is present. Examples for this are Java, Perl, Lisp …

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Loops with unknown nesting depth

We often encounter nested loops, like for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { doSomething(i, j); } } This can be nested to a few more levels without too much pain, as long as we observe that the number of iterations for each level need …

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Microsoft is buying Github

It seems that Microsoft is buying Github for about 7.5 billion USD worth in their own stock. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Probably no reason to celebrate, but Microsoft under Nadella seems to run a totally different strategy than Microsoft under Steve Ballmer. Selling licenses of MS-Windows and MS-Office is probably …

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Scala Days 2018

In 2018 I visited Scala Days in Berlin with this schedule. Other than in previous years I missed the opening keynote, which is traditionally on the evening before the main conference starts, because this is not so well compatible with my choice of traveling with a night train, especially because I did not want to …

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The little obstacles of interoperability

Deutsch A lot of things in today’s IT landscape have been unified and interoperability is much better than 20 years ago. Some examples: Networking: Today networking is TCP/IP. Even the physical cables with RJ45/Ethernet and the wireless networks have been standardized and all kinds of devices can use the same networks. In the old days …

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ScalaUA 2018

About a week ago I visited Scala UA in Kiev. This was the schedule. It was a great conference once again, as it was already in 2017 and I really enjoyed everything, including the food, which was great again… 🙂 I listened to the following talks on the first day: Tales from the trenches, developing …

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Daylight Saving

In many countries of Europe we have to readjust our watches and clocks today, unless they do it automatically. It is interesting, that dealing with this has always been a great challenge for software engineers and a very high two digit percentage of software that in some way or other deals with time, does not …

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When to use Scala and Ruby

There are many interesting languages that have their sweet spots and of course a larger set of languages than just two should be considered for new projects. But Ruby and Scala are both very interesting languages that did not just pick up and sell concepts that were already known, but brought them to a new …

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