
Disclaimer: This article is an occasion, where you might need some of the presumably useless mathematics that you might have learned in school and university. If this bothers you, maybe you should wait for the next article in about two weeks time.

LongDecimal is a library that I have provided for Ruby. It is available as a ruby gem. It was originally intended to provide something like BigDecimal for Java. There is a BigDecimal, but it is not really the same. For writing finance applications, such a class is useful, so I wrote one that covers what Java’s BigDecimal has. It ended up by having a lot more, but we will get to that later.

So the general idea is that we do math with a subset of the rational numbers (\mathbb{Q}) \mathbb{D} = \{ \frac{x}{10^n} : x \in \mathbb{Z} \wedge n \in \mathbb{N}_0\}. This is not quite the truth, because the n actually carries information that we care about, so we would actually define

    \[\mathbb{D} = \{ (\frac{x}{10^n}, n) : x \in \mathbb{Z} \wedge n \in \mathbb{N}_0\}.\]

So we actually want to allow the numerator x to be a multiple of 10 and we use this to express the precision as to how many digits after the decimal point are explicitely part of our number. Having more decimal places after the decimal point expresses more precision.

Now we try to use mathematical operations +, - and \cdot on \mathbb{D}. It turns out that we have three different cases. The ring operations can be defined without problems, even though \mathbb{D} is not quite a ring, as we will see. But it is good enough for most purposes.

  • (\frac{x}{10^n}, n) + (\frac{y}{10^m}, m) = (\frac{x}{10^n} + \frac{y}{10^m}, \max(n, m))
  • (\frac{x}{10^n}, n) - (\frac{y}{10^m}, m) = (\frac{x}{10^n} - \frac{y}{10^m}, \max(n, m))
  • (\frac{x}{10^n}, n) \cdot (\frac{y}{10^m}, m) = (\frac{xy}{10^{n+m}}, m+n)

Addition and Subtraction actually lose information if n\ne m, because we might have an input with lower precision and in the end pretend to have a result of the higher precision. But not losing numerical information is considered more important and implicit rounding should be avoided at all costs, at least for the basic operations.

\mathbb{D} is not a ring, but it is a Semiring. The zero is not universally unique, but we seem to have many zeros (0, n). This is not the problem, because only (0, 0) would act as an additive neutral element. What we lack are additive inverse elements. If we have an element (x, n) with n>0, there is no element (y, m), such that (x,n)+(y,m)=(x+y, \max(n,m) = (0, 0). The distributivity, required for a semiring, can be seen easily:

  • ((\frac{x}{10^n}, n) + (\frac{y}{10^m}, m))\cdot (\frac{z}{10^l}, l) = ((\frac{x}{10^n}+\frac{y}{10^m})\cdot\frac{z}{10^l}, l+\max(m,n)
  • (\frac{x}{10^n}, n)\cdot (\frac{z}{10^l}, l) + (\frac{y}{10^m}, m)\cdot (\frac{z}{10^l}, l) = (\frac{x}{10^n}\cdot\frac{z}{10^l}+\frac{y}{10^m}\cdot\frac{z}{10^l}, \max(l+m,l+n)

But since we do computer programming and not math and only use math as a tool to help us, it is kind of OK, that it is only a semiring and not a ring, as long as we know it.

Division is a special case, because it is not always possible to express the exact numerical value of the quotient in \mathbb{D}, for example 3.0/7.0 = \frac{3}{7}, where the denominator is not a power of ten. To do such operations, a rule on how to round needs to be provided. This is cumbersome, because it blows up our formulas, so we define a set \mathbb{E}=\{(r, n) : r \in\mathbb{Q} \wedge n \in\mathbb{N}_0\}. Now the quotient of two elements of \mathbb{D} is a member of \mathbb{E}. And we have the rules

  • (\frac{x}{10^n}, n) / (\frac{y}{10^m}, m) = (\frac{x}{10^n} / \frac{y}{10^m}, p(n, m))
  • (r, n) + (s, m) = (r+s, \max(n, m))
  • (r, n) - (s, m) = (r-s, \max(n, m))
  • (r, n) \cdot (s, m) = (rs, n+m)
  • (r, n) / (s, m) = (\frac{r}{s}, q(n,m))

where p and q somehow try to estimate how precise the result of the division might be. The basic idea is to do the whole calculation that includes the division and round the result to the desired number of decimal places after the point and with the rounding mode desired.

Now the power is a hard one. Arbitrary powers can of course be defined and are supported, but most of the time, the exponent is actually an integer. These cases can be defined nicely. For exponents m\ge 0 we actually get a result in \mathbb{D} and for negative exponents m < 0 we get results in \mathbb{E}:

  • \bigwedge_{n\ge 0}:(\frac{x}{10^n}, n) ^m = \frac{x^m}{10^{mn}}, mn)
  • \bigwedge_{n < 0}:(\frac{x}{10^n}, n) ^m = \frac{x^m}{10^{mn}}, mn)

For non-integral exponents, the calculation of powers falls back to Ruby’s built in power and transforms elements of {\mathbb{D} and \mathbb{E} involved into rational numbers. These are of limited use, but they are provided and work and can be used, when needed. There is a more general power function, that has additional parameters for the desired rounding and number of digits after the decimal point. While this library goes long ways to achieve decent accuracy and speed, there are certainly possible input parameters that will result in extremely long calculation times or results that are much less accurate than claimed. Such examples are „hard“ to find and should not harm the practical usefulness of the library too much. Similar libraries in the Java world like BigDecimal do not even try to calculate powers with arbitrary exponents and the Ruby builtin library BigDecimal (which is something slightly different) does have its issues when calculating arbitrary powers.

Rounding functions are there to convert a numerical type that is at least viewable as a subset of \mathbb{R} to \mathbb{D}. The actual rounding has to be implemented, but it has been done for \mathbb{D}, \mathbb{E} and the built in types of Ruby except for Complex (\mathbb{C}). For complex numbers, the real and the imaginary part are rounded and stuffed into a new complex number.

Rounding needs two pieces of information, the desired precision (number of decimal places after the decimal point) and the rounding mode. There are different methods for rounding, but they all follow the same basic rules. A special case is the round_to_allowed_remainders, which does a residue class rounding.

There are many rounding modes. Rounding can be towards 0, away from 0, towards infinity or towards negative infinity. This boils down to cutting off all digits but n (or adding zeros) and possibly adjusting the result by one, if the cut off part contained anything but zeros. Other rounding modes take a mean between the two adjacent result candidates and decide by that which one to take, requiring an extra rule for the case that the value that needs to be rounded happens to be exactly on the border.

Generalized powers and all functions that return something irrational like square roots, cubic roots, exponential functions, logarithms and in the future also trigonometric functions needs to be calculated with the number of digits required and a rounding mode. Currently square roots (sqrt) and cube roots (cbrt) are calculated accurately according to these rounding parameters. For the transcendential functions (logarithms, exponential functions, power, trigonometric functions) minor deviations from the mathematically accurate result are still possible. Since the major usage of the library is expected to deal with the basic operations only, this is considered acceptable. To really work with the transcendental functions, using interval arithmetic in conjunction with long decimal would anyway be a better way, so the necessary guarantee to be given would be to provide a result that is close, but guaranteed to be lower or equal than the real mathematical result and one that is guaranteed to be greater or equal. Progress in this area is not going to happen very soon, unless someone would be volunteering to help with this or someone would be volunteering to sponsor the development.

Also it might be interesting to port this library to other languages, even to Java, because it has become much more sophisticated than Java’s BigDecimal library. Again this is unlikely to happen too soon without any help.

The current priority is to keep this library working with recent Ruby versions and to add the missing trigonometric functions.

Use it as follows:
gem install long-decimal
to install it. Then use it in your code with:
require "long-decimal"

A remark for people who are mathematically inclined: The definition of the natural numbers \mathbb{N} is not totally universal. Sometimes we have \mathbb{N} = \{0, 1, 2, 3, 4,\ldots\} and sometimes we have \mathbb{N} = \{1, 2, 3, 4,\ldots\}. To avoid this, I am using \mathbb{N}_0 = \{0, 1, 2, 3, 4,\ldots\}, even though the index _0 is kind of ugly. I agree with Dijkstra that we should prefer to include the 0 in the natural numbers.
Another remark for mathematically interested readers: If we were defining \mathbb{D}=\{ \frac{x}{10^n} : x \in \mathbb{Z} \wedge n \in \mathbb{N}_0\}, we would actually have a ring. If we now replaced 10 with a prime number p, we would approach the realm of p-adic numbers (\mathbb{Q}_p). This is well worth supporting by a library as well, but it is quite a different story and of course only of interest to a small group who actually knows p-adic numbers and works with them.


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Some thoughts about testing

We all do a bit of testing, if we are in IT. Even if I would by no means call myself a professional test engineer or test manager, I could make some observation about the topic.

I did hear a lot of times, that testing is kind of the easy task in the IT industry, just for those, who cannot do the „real“ stuff. Or from the other perspective the area, where better carriers can be made, because the task by itself is not so demanding… And I have seen test teams that resembled this. But a good test team can add a lot of value and has a lot of hard tasks to solve for this.

Some ideas:

There was a test team that tested ticket vending machines. Mostly the software, but to some extent also the hardware. Out of around ten people one guy was finding about two thirds of the defects. This does not necessarily really mean two thirds, because it might include a lot of trivial errors, while the more deeply lying errors need much more time to uncover. But while usually one person was running tests on one machine, he ran a second set of tests on his laptop on a simulation to make use of the waiting time. And he asked for a better laptop, in order to run three tests at the same time, which was declined by the test manager, because „running two tests at the same time is more than enough“. Please, give good people the resources and empower them to contributing more. By the way, running two tests at the same time is not easy, I tried it myself with tests that had quite significant waiting time and ended up needing help of others, thus defeating the whole idea. Maybe it can be learned to some extent.

In another project, a server application with very demanding logic, algorithmic complexity and no GUI whatsoever was developed. Nobody can test such a software, especially not the people who cannot do the „real“ stuff. But the test engineer in this project was really good. He was part of the team during development and new very well, what the software was supposed to do and which features could already be tested. While we wrote the software, he figured out how he could test it and when we were ready, he was ready too with some extremely intelligent tests that really did a great coverage and with workable ways how to do testing at all in the first place. And this actually worked great in practice.

We all talk about test automation. This is a good thing and should be done. It should be considered wisely. While it is possible to automate end to end, if we really want to go there, this can be hard. I have seen that robots where used for testing ticket vending machines. Payment was simulated through software, but with better robots that might work as well and it is an important part. It is quite possible to automate GUI testing with tools like Selenium, Selenide and others, but this is getting extremely hard, depending on the GUI. And if the UX team want a minor change the tests might become worthless in a second and we have to start almost from scratch. Using IDs instead of positions or more generally a good abstraction and a reasonably good separation of logic and design helps a lot, but still the problem remains. I recommend to write such tests in a late phase, when the GUI is already pretty stable in terms of Design and UX. This is no place for test driven design, unless the UX-guys are very test-automation-affine. And trust me, they are not. They can be really good in creating good designs and that is their job.

I have seen projects, where there was not test team at all and software that was committed to „trunk“ just had to pass the unit test suite and went immediately to production in case of success. At least during regular working hours. Non trivial changes to trunk had to undergo a code review via a pull request before being merged into trunk and the unit test suite was of course really good. I am not saying that I recommend this, but when it is well done, it actually works, at least in some cases.

What is important for the test team is to know what is going on in the development, to know where the documentation is and to contribute to it, to have a feeling for the whole system to understand how good it is. Mathematics on the defect detection rate is not everything, even thought it can help. It is important to understand the people. It is important to understand the system landscape. And the business logic. And to write good test cases. And for many projects it is important to understand multiple languages, if the software should run in a multilingual or international environment. And in the end of the day it is a hard decision to make, if there can be a „go“ or if it needs to be delayed and by how much. The guys from the top management might already be extremely eager to release the software and probably they do have good reasons. So a wise decision on when it is ok to go is really hard to make and valuable.

There is a lot of things that good test teams can contribute to add value to the product. And a lot of „real“ stuff that can and should be done by them.

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Internetexplorer and Microsoft Edge discontinued

It seems that Microsoft will discontinue development of its Edge Browser, which was meant to be an replacement for Internet Explorer. Instead they will base it on Google Chromium, so they will use the same HTML- and JavaScript-Engine as Google Chrome and the open source variant Chromium. The HTML- and JS-Engines of Edge will not be used any more. If you like, you can of course say, Edge will continue to exist, just undergo some changes. It is of course a matter of perspective. But the new Edge will not have very much in common with Internet Explorer and the old Edge, but very much with the Google browsers. So the way I see it, they discontinue their own browser and their own browser engine.

Is it a good or a bad thing? I think, it is not very important any more, because both Microsoft browsers combined have a combined share of only slightly above 5% of the human web usage.


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The language Ruby is one of the most beautiful languages. A lot of things can be done, it has a good level of abstraction, it has chosen some very good defaults, has provided some great ideas that I have not discovered in any other language that I know well and provides a lot of flexibility. But I could no longer recommend it for projects that might require a good performance. I won’t go into the issue of static typing vs. dynamic here. Ruby is following the dynamic typing path and if you think that is a bad idea at all, then it will never become your favorite. But this is an issue with pros and cons. The big disadvantage of Ruby is that it is not very good in terms of performance. The single threaded performance is somewhat better in many reasonable languages like Java, Python, Scala, Clojure, C, C#, F# and some others .. And it gets worse when we want to use multiple cores, because Ruby does not run them simultaneously, but uses a global lock which ensures that only one thread at a time is running. Or in case of JRuby just crashes or yields wrong results in certain mulithreaded programs that we could write.

One approach is to go for immutability as a default, which allows quite painless multithreading. Scala and Clojure follow this route, for example. It is hard to write good code with this constraint or to make good use of very local mutability without leaking it outside, but under these conditions multiple threads are just working fine without deadlocks, crashes or falsified results. Another approach is to just copy structures and leave its own copy to each thread. There are ways to do a lot on this path, but the copying costs a lot of memory and performance and it is not always a gain.

Now Ruby heavily relies on mutable structures for strings and collections. It is not reasonable to go for a total paradigm change in this aspect. But there are some ways to get good and safe and fast operations on these collections and strings without breaking this. One idea is to work with chunks of collections or strings. For strings, the string that we are working with is described as a concatenation of such strings. Many operations can be made by just concatenating multiple strings together and possibly replacing one of them with a copy that can be made as needed. This is called Rope. A similar approach can be applied to collections. Then a smart locking mechanism is applied to the shorter string or collections when needed, but many operations can avoid locking or block much less of the structure.

Also the compiler can analyze the program and simplify it to a great extent, compile it to the JVM, which in conjunction with hot spot optimizations will make it run really fast. Now this TruffleRuby is much faster than other Rubies, by a factor of about 10. It uses GraalVM and it actually supports a lot of C-extensions for libraries through the feature of GraalVM that they can be eventually compiled to the JVM. It does not work if extensions rely on implementation details of the Ruby structures in C and it often does not work for C-extensions that go to low level OS functionality. The current version of TruffleRuby is not really ready to use in conjunction with Ruby on Rails, which is kind of a no go, because Ruby is usually used in conjunction with Rails. My impression is that it will be possible to use it with Rails in a year or two.

Hearing of this in a talk by Benoit Daloze in the local Rails user group in Zürich was a great and positive surprise. Ruby gets interesting again.


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As developers we get often asked to write more, better and earlier documentation.

While it is very important and useful, to have the right documentation when needed and more often than not we are lacking important documentation, it is also important to avoid writing too much documentation.

This applies to all levels of documentation, including comments in the code (javadoc, scaladoc, rubydoc, perldoc,… as well as inline comments), design documentation, Wiki/Confluence, external documents.

Some projects measure the quantity of documentation, for example. Or the coverage of javadoc. And people start writing automatically generated or trivial comments on getters and setters. While there can be a comment documenting the attribute placed with the getter instead of the attribute itself, this is usually a bad idea, because it just clutters the code with no gain at all. Commenting should be limited to the non-obvious. And code should be written in such a way, that there is not more non-obvious than necessary. So code that is readable and understandable with few comments is actually a better goal.

For APIs we might want some more documentation. But we should keep it as close to the code as possible and use tools like swagger or scripts to create API-documentation from the code or code and documentation from the API-specification. This has a better chance of staying up to date, while hand maintained documentation always tends to get outdated over the time.

It is good to describe the overall working of the system. But details should be looked up in the code, where that is a viable option.

It is important to describe, how to get started. And even better, if getting started is easy because of automation, scripts or tools that do it in a few, relatively easy steps. This is a goal that everybody seems to have, but nobody seems to succeed with.

It is important to describe, how certain problems are solved in the team or have been solved, in terms of how it should be done to conform with other solutions or how it can successfully done. Guidelines are probably a good idea. Even better, if they can reference as much as possible well established guidelines published in the internet and just describe the exceptions or details about which the public guidelines do not make a decision, but that should be done coherently within the project.

And the business side of the software should of course be described also in documentation.

The agile manifesto recommends: „Working software over comprehensive documentation“.
But this should not stop us from writing documentation that really helps us.


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Tips and Tricks: Typing Unicode

I found this on netzwolf.info:

You can enter arbitrary Unicode characters (more precisely code points) in X11 on Linux, if you know their Hex-Code:

  • Press Shift-Ctrl (keep them pressed)
  • Press also the letter u
  • Release the Ctrl-Key
  • Release the u-key
  • Keep the Shift-key pressed
  • Enter the Hex-Code of the Code point with the number of hex digits needed
  • Release the shift key

Let’s try with the Cyrillic Alphabet, more precisely with its Unicode Block:

  • Ѐ U+0400
  • Ё U+0401
  • Ђ U+0402
  • Љ U+0409
  • А U+0410
  • Б U+0411
  • В U+0412
  • Г U+0413
  • Д U+0414

Not very fast, but it works quite well for a few characters. Just open the table in one window and use this key sequence in another one.

For frequently used characters it is a good idea to remap the keyboard with xmodmap.

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Orthodox Christmas 2018/2019

Orthodox Christmas in some countries, for example in Ukraine is on 7th of January.
So to all readers, who have Christmas on 7th of January:

С Рождеством! — Hyvää Joulua! — καλά Χριστούγεννα! — Buon Natale! — Prettige Kerstdagen! — З Рiздвом Христовим! — Merry Christmas! — Срећан Божић! — God Jul! — ¡Feliz Navidad! — ميلاد مجيد — クリスマスおめでとう ; メリークリスマス — Natale hilare! — Joyeux Noël! — God Jul! — Frohe Weihnachten! — Crăciun fericit! — Feliĉan Kristnaskon!

I created the message and the random ordering using Perl and the Schwartzian transform:

use Math::Random::Secure qw(irand);
my @list = ( "Prettige Kerstdagen!",
          "God Jul!",
          "Crăciun fericit!",
          "クリスマスおめでとう ; メリークリスマス",
          "God Jul!",
          "Feliĉan Kristnaskon!",
          "Hyvää Joulua!",
          "ميلاد مجيد",
          "Срећан Божић!",
          "καλά Χριστούγεννα!",
          "З Рiздвом Христовим!",
          "Natale hilare!",
          "Buon Natale!",
          "Joyeux Noël!",
          "Frohe Weihnachten!",
          "С Рождеством!",
          "Merry Christmas!",
          "¡Feliz Navidad!" );
my @shuffled = map{ $_->[0] }
               sort {$a->[1] <=> $b->[1]}
               map { [ $_, irand() ] }
print join(" — ", @shuffled);

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How to draw lines, circles and other curves

These ideas were developed more than 30 years without knowing that they were already known at that time…

Today the graphics cards can easily do things like this in very little time. And today’s CPUs are of course really good at multiplying. So this has lost a lot of its immediate relevance, but it is a fun topic and why not have some fun…

Let us assume we have a two dimensional coordinate system and a visible area that goes from x_{\min} to x_{\max} and y_{\min} to y_{\max}. Coordinates are discrete.

In this world we can easily measure an angle against a (directed) line parallel to the x-axis, for example up to an accuracy of 45^\circ=\frac{\pi}{4}:

  • y=0 \wedge x > 0 \implies \alpha = 0 (= 0^\circ)
  • 0 < y < x \implies 0 < \alpha < \frac{\pi}{4}(=45^\circ)
  • 0 < y = x \implies \alpha = \frac{\pi}{4}
  • 0 < x < y \implies \frac{\pi}{4} < \alpha < \frac{\pi}{2}(=90^\circ)
  • x = 0 \land y > 0\implies \alpha = \frac{\pi}{2}
  • x < 0 \land y > 0 \land |x| < |y|\implies \frac{\pi}{2} < \alpha < \frac{3\pi}{4}(=135^\circ)
  • x < 0 \land y > 0 \land -x = y\implies \alpha = \frac{3\pi}{4}(=135^\circ)

So let us assume we have a curve that is described by a polynomial function in two variables x and y, like this:

    \[f(x, y) = \sum_{j=0}^m\sum_{k=0}^n a_{j,k}x^jy^k = 0\]

We have to apply some math to understand that the curve behaves nicely in the sense that it does not behave to chaotic in scales that are below our accuracy, that it is connected etc. We might possibly scale and move it a bit by substituting something like c_1u+c_2 for x and c_3v+c_4 for y.

For example we may think of

  • line: f(x,y)=ax+by+c
  • circle: f(x, y)=x^2+y^2-r^2
  • eclipse: f(x, y)=\frac{x^2}{a^2}+\frac{y^2}{b^2}-1

We can assume our drawing is done with something like a king of chess. We need to find a starting point that is accurately on the curve or at least as accurately as possible. You could use knights or other chess figures or even fictive chess figures..

Now we have a starting point (x_0, y_0) which lies ideally exactly on the curve. We have a deviation from the curve, which is f(x_0, y_0)=d_0. So we have f(x_n, y_n)=d_n. Than we move to x_{n+1}=x_n + s and y_{n+1}=y_n+t with s, t = \{-1, 0, 1\}. Often only two or three combinations of (s, t) need to be considered. When calculating d_{n+1} from d_n for the different variants, it shows that for calculating d_{n+1}-d_n the difference becomes a polynomial with lower degree, because the highest terms cancel out. So drawing a line between two points or a circle with a given radius around a given point or an ellipse or a parabola or a hyperbola can be drawn without any multiplications… And powers of n-th powers of x can always be calculated with additions and subtractions only from the previous x-values, by using successive differences:
These become constant for l=n, just as the lth derivatives, so by using this triangle, successive powers can be calculated with some preparational work using just additions.
It was quite natural to program these in assembly language, even in 8-bit assembly languages that are primitive by today’s standards. And it was possible to draw such figures reasonably fast with only one MHz (yes, not GHz).

We don’t need this stuff any more. Usually the graphics card is much better than anything we can with reasonable effort program. Usually the performance is sufficient when we just program in high level languages and use standard libraries.

But occasionally situations occur where we need to think about how to get the performance we need:
Make it work,
make it right,
make it fast,
but don’t stop after the first of those.

It is important that we choose our steps wisely and use adequate methods to solve our problem. Please understand this article as a fun issue about how we could write software some decades ago, but also as an inspiration to actually look into bits and bytes when it is really helping to get the necessary performance without defeating the maintainability of the software.

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2019 — Happy New Year

Gott nytt år! — Godt nytt år! — Felice anno nuovo! — Καλή Χρονια! — Щасливого нового року! — Срећна нова година! — С новым годом! — Feliĉan novan jaron! — Bonne année! — FELIX SIT ANNUS NOVUS — Gullukkig niuw jaar! — Un an nou fericit! — Frohes neues Jahr! — Happy new year! — ¡Feliz año nuevo! — Onnellista uutta vuotta! — عام سعيد

This was created by a Java-program:

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;

public class HappyNewYear {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List list = Arrays.asList("Frohes neues Jahr!",
                                          "Happy new year!",
                                          "Gott nytt år!", 
                                          "¡Feliz año nuevo!",
                                          "Bonne année!", 
                                          "FELIX SIT ANNUS NOVUS", 
                                          "С новым годом!",
                                          "عام سعيد",
                                          "Felice anno nuovo!",
                                          "Godt nytt år!", 
                                          "Gullukkig niuw jaar!", 
                                          "Feliĉan novan jaron!",
                                          "Onnellista uutta vuotta!",
                                          "Срећна нова година!",
                                          "Un an nou fericit!",
                                          "Щасливого нового року!", 
                                          "Καλή Χρονια!");
        System.out.println(String.join(" — ", list));

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Christmas 2018

Feliĉan Kristnaskon! — Frohe Weihnachten! — God Jul! — Merry Christmas! — Joyeux Noël! — クリスマスおめでとう ; メリークリスマス — Срећан Божић! — Buon Natale! — Hyvää Joulua! — З Рiздвом Христовим! — ميلاد مجيد — С Рождеством! — Crăciun fericit! — ¡Feliz Navidad! — καλά Χριστούγεννα! — Natale hilare! — God Jul! — Prettige Kerstdagen!

As I said, I am learning some Python, so let’s use it. I created the message above with this program:

import random
arr = [
    "Frohe Weihnachten!",
    "Merry Christmas!",
    "God Jul!",
    "¡Feliz Navidad!",
    "Joyeux Noël!",
    "Natale hilare!",
    "С Рождеством!",
    "ميلاد مجيد",
    "Buon Natale!",
    "God Jul!",
    "Prettige Kerstdagen!",
    "Feliĉan Kristnaskon!",
    "Hyvää Joulua!",
    "クリスマスおめでとう ; メリークリスマス",
    "Срећан Божић!",
    "Crăciun fericit!",
    "З Рiздвом Христовим!",
    "καλά Χριστούγεννα!"
print(" — ".join(arr))

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